Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney: World Best Kitchen Chimney

Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney: World Best Kitchen Chimney For 2024

Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney in this comprehensive guide, including its uses, advantages, disadvantages, and FAQs. Dive in to learn how this chimney can revolutionise your cooking experience!

Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney: The Ultimate Guide to a Cleaner Kitchen

A kitchen is often the heart of a home, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare with all the smoke, grease, and odors that come with cooking. Enter the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney – a modern solution to keep your kitchen fresh and clean. This article will take you through an in-depth exploration of the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney, including what it is, how it’s used, its benefits, drawbacks, and much more. Whether you’re a cooking enthusiast or just someone who wants a smoke-free kitchen, this chimney might just be what you need.

What is Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney?

The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is a state-of-the-art kitchen appliance designed to remove smoke, heat, and odors from your cooking area. Unlike traditional exhaust fans, this chimney uses advanced technology to provide a more efficient and effective ventilation solution.

Features of Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney

  • Suction Power: With high suction power, it efficiently removes all the unwanted particles from your kitchen air.
  • Auto Clean Technology: It comes with an auto-clean feature, making maintenance a breeze.
  • Baffle Filters: These filters are designed to handle Indian cooking styles, effectively trapping grease.
  • LED Lights: Bright and energy-efficient, these lights illuminate your cooking area perfectly.
  • Touch Control Panel: A sleek touch panel for easy operation.

How Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is Used

Using the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is straightforward and user-friendly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this appliance:


  1. Select a Location: Ensure the chimney is installed directly above your cooking hob for maximum efficiency.
  2. Hire a Professional: While DIY installation might seem tempting, it’s best to hire a professional to ensure proper fitting and safety.


  1. Power On: Use the touch control panel to turn on the chimney.
  2. Adjust Suction Power: Depending on what you’re cooking, you can adjust the suction power to low, medium, or high.
  3. Utilize Auto Clean: Activate the auto-clean function periodically to maintain optimal performance.
  4. Turn Off: Once you’re done cooking, switch off the chimney using the control panel.

Maintenance Tips

  • Regular Cleaning: Even with auto-clean, it’s advisable to manually clean the filters every few months.
  • Check for Blockages: Ensure there are no blockages in the duct or filters.
  • Professional Servicing: Schedule professional maintenance checks annually to keep the chimney in top shape.


Enhanced Kitchen Environment

The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney significantly improves your kitchen environment by removing smoke, heat, and odors. This not only makes cooking more pleasant but also helps maintain a clean and inviting kitchen space.

Health Benefits

Constant exposure to smoke and greasy fumes can be harmful to your health. By effectively ventilating your kitchen, this chimney helps reduce respiratory issues and other health problems associated with poor air quality.

Modern Aesthetic

With its sleek design and modern features, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen. It blends seamlessly with contemporary kitchen designs, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.

Energy Efficiency

Equipped with LED lights and efficient motor systems, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is designed to be energy-efficient. This means you get to save on electricity bills while enjoying a cleaner kitchen environment.



One of the main drawbacks of the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is its cost. Compared to traditional exhaust fans, this chimney is more expensive. However, considering its advanced features and benefits, many users find it worth the investment.

Maintenance Requirements

Despite having an auto-clean feature, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney still requires regular manual cleaning and maintenance. This can be time-consuming and might be seen as a hassle by some users.

Installation Complexity

Installing the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney isn’t a simple DIY task. It requires professional installation, which can add to the overall cost and complexity.


The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is a remarkable addition to any modern kitchen. It offers numerous benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced kitchen aesthetics, and energy efficiency. While it does come with some drawbacks, such as cost and maintenance, the overall advantages far outweigh these cons. For those looking to upgrade their kitchen ventilation, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is definitely worth considering.


By: COmparenbuy

1. What is the warranty period for the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney?

The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney typically comes with a 1-year comprehensive warranty and a 5-year warranty on the motor.

2. How often should I clean the filters?

While the auto-clean feature helps, it’s advisable to manually clean the filters every 2-3 months to ensure optimal performance.

3. Can I install the chimney myself?

It’s recommended to hire a professional for the installation to ensure proper fitting and safety.

4. Is the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney suitable for all kitchen sizes?

Yes, it’s designed to suit a variety of kitchen sizes, but ensure it matches the dimensions and ventilation requirements of your specific kitchen space.

5. Does it make a lot of noise?

The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney operates quietly compared to traditional exhaust fans, making it a more pleasant addition to your kitchen.

6. What kind of cooking is it best suited for?

It’s particularly effective for Indian cooking styles, which often involve a lot of frying and grilling, generating significant smoke and grease.

7. How does the auto-clean function work?

The auto-clean function uses a thermal clean system that heats up the chimney’s interior to melt and remove grease and grime, which is then collected in a tray for easy disposal.

8. Are replacement parts easily available?

Yes, replacement parts for the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney are readily available through authorized dealers and service centers.

9. How does it compare to other brands?

The Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is known for its advanced features and reliable performance, often outperforming other brands in terms of suction power and ease of maintenance.

10. Can I use it with a gas stove?

Yes, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is compatible with both gas stoves and electric hobs, providing versatile use for different cooking setups.

In summary, the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney is a top-notch kitchen appliance that promises to revolutionise your cooking experience. With its powerful suction, modern design, and energy efficiency, it stands out as an essential addition to any kitchen. Despite some minor drawbacks, its advantages make it a worthy investment for anyone looking to maintain a clean, smoke-free kitchen. So why wait? Upgrade your kitchen today with the Hindware Nevio Plus Chimney and enjoy a more pleasant cooking environment!

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