Pokemon GO Players Unhappy With New Giveaway Of Extremely Rare Item

Pokemon GO Players Unhappy With New Giveaway Of Extremely Rare Item

  • The limited Meteorite distribution procedure for the next Pokemon GO Elite Raid event has fans furious.
  • Players are dubious about Niantic’s release of Meteorite codes on TikTok because of previous limited giveaways.

With Pokemon GO’s next Elite Raid, Niantic is offering players the opportunity to obtain Meteorites for free, but the distribution method has some fans dissatisfied. Since the only dependable method of obtaining meteorites in Pokemon GO is through research prizes, they are among the rarest things in the game, and players are constantly trying to obtain more of them in order to Mega Evolve their Rayquaza.

Numerous thrilling occurrences are happening in Pokemon GO as the Shared Skies season gets underway. Two of the GO Fest’s regional editions are already over, and the final one is quickly approaching. After Necrozma made his much-awaited debut in Pokemon GO, fans are also looking forward to the Global variant’s release. In the midst of all of that, Niantic revealed a new event, the details of which haven’t gone down well with the community.

The next Elite raid event that Niantic has planned is highlighted in a recent post on The Silph Road subreddit. Gamers will have the chance to capture Rayquaza in Pokemon GO, and there will be a giveaway of Meteorite items. The creator is going to give free Meteorite codes if the Pokemon GO TikTok page receives 38.4k additional followers. However, supporters are a little dubious about the gift, given the way things have gone in the past.

Fans Are Enraged by Niantic’s Rayquaza Meteorite Giveaway

The notification refers to “codes,” which suggests that there will probably only be a certain quantity distributed, as several other players have pointed out. Players mentioned the GO Fest 2020 Puzzle as one such occasion, in which the code was disclosed on the Twitter page letter by letter. Seldom did gamers get a chance to redeem the Pokemon GO code because the giveaway was only available for a brief period of time.



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